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Speedwell Nursery School had Ofsted inspection on 14th and 15th June 2022. This was the first inspection, for the school, using the new Ofsted framework, and revised Early Years Foundation Guidance. The Ofsted inspectors identified that there are many areas of good practice.


“Leaders and staff ensure that children are safe, cared for and that they love coming to school.”


“Staff encourage and inspire children to play. They are on hand to help so that children learn to play together. They listen to and reassure children, supporting them well. As a result, children are happy, confident and stick at their play.”


They commented on how happy, co-operative and well behaved the children are, and how well they managed friendships and played together. They reported that the areas of 'personal development', 'behaviour and attitudes' and 'safeguarding' are graded as ‘Good’.


An updated Early Years Foundation Guidance has been introduced nationally for all Nursery Schools and Speedwell Nursery is in the process of implementing this through planned professional development for all staff and leaders. However, it has yet to be fully embedded due to two significant factors. The first being that as a federation school we were in the process of a major staff re-structuring, and until very recently Covid continued to adversely impact all areas of the school. The Ofsted Inspectors have reported that although we have an accurate understanding of the areas for development they currently rate the Quality of Education and Leadership and Management as 'Requiring Improvement'.


We are in agreement with this outcome and we already have ambitious plans in place to ensure that every Speedwell Nursery School child is in receipt of the highest quality of Early Years provision. Governors will also continue to develop their role in order to provide effective support and challenge to leaders and staff.


If you have any questions about this report or more generally about your child’s nursery education please feel free to contact us. We really value your feedback.


For more information please see the full Ofsted report (Pdf)

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