Contact us
We want to hear from you. Please tell us if there is anything you think we could improve, or if you have any compliments for our services we would love to hear them too.
For any enquiries please contact Nicky and Marie in reception.
Tel: 0117 9030329
Email: speedwell.n@bristol-schools.uk
Interim Executive Headteacher: Jet Davis
Chair of Governors: Jill Gettrup
SENDCo: Jet Davis
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Liz Allen
Speedwell Nursery School,
Speedwell Road,
Using the What 3 Words app find us at rushed.words.rich (lane entrance) or amount.glue.gain (nursery entrance)
Send us a message
Speedwell Nursery School
Request for paper copies
If you require a paper copy of the information on our website, please contact the school office on 0117 903 0329 or email: speedwell.n@bristol-schools.uk. We will provide copies as soon as possible.
If you are coming up Speedwell Road from Whitehall there is a large block of flats on your left. Look out for the bus stop across the road and our blue 'Nursery School' sign that points up the pathway to our centre.
If you are approaching us from the Kingswood direction, with the BBA School on your right, go straight across the mini roundabout on Speedwell Road. The bus stop is on the left and our blue 'Nursery School' sign points up the pathway to our centre.